To arise from sleep… to awaken in consciousness to the truth of being and our connection to each other… to remember our Oneness with all of creation. Through our magical and mystical journeys, we experience the profound nature of our spirit as we connect to a deeper layer of ourselves remembering that we are all interconnected.
Psilocybin is a gentle journey that allows for a connection to this part of ourselves often lost or disconnected in our 3D human experience. Communication from our soul is restored during this journey which allows us to hear the still small voice of Spirit in our daily lives. This beautiful plant medicine aids in our awakening in so many beautiful ways allowing healing on such profound levels from PTSD, early childhood trauma, addictions and so much more.
Are you someone looking to move through the blockages that are preventing you from experiencing the best of yourself and life? Considering taking psilocybin as a tool to assist in moving you through and forward is a powerful and effective way to grow on all levels, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
In a gentle journey with this amazing plant medicine, you might experience changes in the way you experience the world around you. This plant has also been researched for it’s benefits in treating
-addictions and more
A sacred journey with the plant medicine of psilocybin is just that, Sacred. This is not an experience to go on a hallucinogenic trip and see beautiful colors and sacred geometry (although that can happen). Our Awaken Journey is a therapeutic approach to discover the blockages that are keeping you from experiencing your greatest and best life. The preparation and the journey time is but only 20% of the experience as it is in the integration, the ah-ha’s and the reflection on the changes after the journey are what make up the other 80% that this medicine brings.
Many people psychedelic hop, looking for “the thing” that will change their experience of life. I find that you are the only source of change and that you still have to do the deep inner work. Psilocybin is a tool that can help and guide you, but the work is still yours to do. This medicine is gentle, powerful and kind. It will assist you in looking at the emotional blocks that are standing in your way as well as the belief systems that might have you locked into a pattern that no longer serves your highest good.
We currently offer one-on-one, or to groups up to 4 people to our Awaken Journeys. These journeys are transformative and best done in a small intimate group.
They are an easy and beautiful way to bring about long term changes one seeks from sitting with this plant medicine. Again, the plant medicine is not a magic pill to bring the changes you are seeking. In community, in retreat, in the jungle, that is where the Magic happens!
A person interview is required before booking your Awaken Journey.
For more information, to talk about whether this is the right place for you and/or to make your reservation
please contact Lisa through email at or WhatsApp +506 8348 8286