Flower Essences are the life force of a flower sun infused into sacred water. The imprint of the energetic pattern of the flower is released and held in the water and then preserved. These vibrational remedies specifically address the emotional and behavioral issues that may be affecting the overall wellness of any being.

Originally developed in the 1930's by a medical doctor, Dr. Edward Bach who believed that the root of all disease is a result of the personality being out of alignment with the soul. Flower essences can restore equilibrium between the personality and the soul.

Flower essences are thought to be the life force of the flower while essential oils (which are distilled) are thought to be the blood of the flower. Flower essences do not carry a scent the way that the essential oils do and can be used in many different ways.

DiVina Vida Flower Essences are a series of individual and blended high vibrational essences designed to align the frequencies of the body with the frequencies of nature, specifically with the life force frequency of the flowers and their healing properties. Our essences are harvested and blended at our Certified Organic Farm in the mountains of Costa Rica.


The essence of your soul exists inside of you as a vibration of light. Deep beneath the layers of thoughts contained in mind, stories of the histories of your life and the filters of beliefs upon beliefs upon more beliefs lies the true essence of who you are.

Nature resonates deep within us and harmonizes us at the soul level. Spending time connecting with nature, which we are never separate from, heals us at a very deep level and ripples this healing out to every cell in our bodies.

DiVina Vida custom crafted soul essences are an intuited al-chemical blend of high vibrational flower essences mimicking time in nature. This special signature essence has the ability to re-calibrate you at all layers of your being while shifting your frequency as you come home to your own inner radiance.

Flower essences considered the “life force” of the flower differ from essential oils also often derived from flowers which are considered “blood of the flower”. Flower essences therefore do not leave a scent like the essential oils do. Essences are similar to a homeopathic remedy and are ingested under the tongue or diluted in a glass of water.

A Soul Essence session with Lisa includes and in depth inquiry into the blockages that are currently keeping you from moving forward in life and keeping you from creating a life of passion, flow and ease. Our session together will begin with getting to know each other, doing some breath-work together and then (off line) utilizing my energy medicine balancing protocol to outline and determine the frequencies that would best serve you in clearing the blockages and truly moving forward with your purpose

Flower Essences high vibrational essences designed to align the frequencies of the body with the frequencies of nature, specifically with the life force frequency of the flowers and their healing properties. Made mainstream by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s, flower essences can now be found world wide from many regions


To request your unique Soul Essence blend please contact Lisa via WhatsApp +506 8348 8286 or through email at divinavidacr@gmail.com to schedule a Zoom session where she will determine the essence that your soul desires.



Cocoa, Passionflower, Starfruit

This beautiful blend invites you to embrace duality by releasing perceptions of separation. There is no-thing out there. There is no one out there. There is only you connected to and as everything… One

Source, One Creator, One Life, One Divine Live... its all you!


Ylang Ylang, Vanilla, Coffee

This blend is calling you forth to release all attachments. In so doing, you are healing all grief and sorrows to people and things that are no longer in your life.

In Buddhism, the path of non-attachment leads to enlightenment but only if you release the baggage of unhealed grief and wounding that can keep you in the illusion.Nothing ever happens to you it always happens for you and your growth and for your journey to enlightenment and ascension.


Guanabana, Acerola Cherry, Hibiscus

This blend invites you to be present in this now moment. The invitation is to drop out of the mind and into the heart and breath. With each breath in, bring your awareness to allowing in as much life as possible and with each complete exhale, bring your awareness to letting go of all that no longer serves your highest good.

This essence blend invites you to simply BE in this now moment, fully present, still in your mind and totally relaxed as you recognize that you are safe, you are loved and you are alive.


Turmeric, White Ginger, Coconut

This blend invites you to remember to laugh, sing, find joy and pleasure and to connect to child within. When you embrace childlike play, you more easily let go of habitual thinking. This subconscious habitual thinking could be causing you to experience judgement which stands in the way of your experiencing compassion and forgiveness for yourself and for others.

Often times, you may not be aware of the negative and judgmental thoughts that keep you in an unfulfilling life creating separation and loneliness.


Mango, Guayaba, Cinnamon

Deep within, there is an inner knowing of truth. This truth speaks through the still small voice inside. It sees all, knows all in all dimensions. This essence blend calls for you to remember this truth and to listen without asking "why" and to trust your knowing as you are Source wisdom.


Plumeria, Orange, Lime

By recognizing that dark and light are not two opposites but rather two sides of one creation, each equally important for you to see the other, you can begin to see the beauty in both. Fear of either the dark shadows or lights illuminating power can cause you to freeze. Through this blend, you are invited to embrace light and dark and to step with enthusiasm and hope as you create a life divinely inspired by you as Source Creator.


Myrtle, Holy Basic, Garlic

Bliss blend invites you to rise above the illusion that the drama of life is presenting. When you look at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE as an expression of the divine, co-creating with you tom move through the past karma, there can truly be no victim and now perpetrator. We are all just walking each other home. The main ingredient in Bliss is Radical Forgiveness from this perspective of there is nothing and no one to forgive as everything presents to me as a manifestation of my learning and growing.